Best Papers

This is the list of the best research papers and writings published with CLRI. This is the first step towards nominating authors and their writings to other prizes and awards.

We rate the most-read authors as best authors and nominate them to various prizes and awards. However, this depends on various factors such as:

  1. Paper of high standard
  2. Conforming to our submission guidelines
  3. Traffic to your article

We record visitors and downloads to each article to base the author worth. Share your publication news to as many friends as possible via social media including FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and request them to read and comment on your articles. This will increase the possibility to attract high page views of your article and being rated the best-read authors.

Creative writings are selected based on factors such as writing style, English language, presentation, and creativity among others.

Vol 6 No 1: CLRI February 2019 

1. Research Paper

Title: Elements of historiographical metafiction in Margaret Atwood’s ‘’the blind assassin’ and Martin Amis’ ‘’Time’s arrow’’: A comparative literary analysis
Author: Dr Tapash Rudra
Affiliation: Associate Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology and Post Graduate Coordinator for Faculty of Science, with Lincoln University College, Malaysia.

2. Story

Title: Loving Anjali
Author: Zia Marshall
Affiliation: Author.

Vol 6 No 2: CLRI May 2019

1. Research Paper

Title: Translation and Globalisation
Author: Dr Archana Kumari
Affiliation: Assistant Professor of English at Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University), Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh.

2. Story

Title: The Walk
Author: Bharat Shekhar
Affiliation: A professional writer.

Bharat Shekhar's The Walk has won and now features in the Orison Anthology, Vol 5, 2020. See this video.