Egyptian Mythology and its Naturalistic Approach

  • Debalina Banerjee Roychowdhury
Keywords: Debalina Banerjee Roychowdhury, literary journals India, online English research journal, UGC approved journal, High impact factor journal


All the ancient mythologies are evidently nature-oriented. Among all Egyptian mythology is deeply naturalistic in its conduct. All the mythologies have a specific tendency apart from being nature-oriented in general. The strong impetus of nature surpassed everything including the immortal concept of the divine. The dominance of beasts and birds and their inseparable connection with the divine are stark. Nature even merges with the individual divine characters in Egyptian myths. Focus on mortality, sexuality and the cycle of conservation consumption is in the core of the manner


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How to Cite
Roychowdhury, D. B. “Egyptian Mythology and Its Naturalistic Approach”. Contemporary Literary Review India, Vol. 6, no. 3, Aug. 2019, pp. 14-22,
Research Papers