Eastward Blows the Tempest

  • Saligrama K. Aithal
Keywords: online English story publisher, UGC approved journal, Peer reviewed literary journal, Saligrama K. Aithal, Eastward Blows the Tempest


Eastward Blows the Tempest is a story by Saligrama K. Aithal.


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Author Biography

Saligrama K. Aithal

Saligrama K. Aithal has published five collections of short stories Many in One, One in Many, Inside India, Overlapping Worlds, and Passage to More than India. He has enough number of short stories for a sixth collection, and poems sufficient for a volume. His publications include a literary biography Riyana: The Child Once Everyone was, and a study of Toni Morrison’s fiction Toni Morrison Novelist.

How to Cite
Aithal, S. K. “Eastward Blows the Tempest”. Contemporary Literary Review India, Vol. 5, no. 4, Nov. 2018, pp. 157-61, https://literaryjournal.in/index.php/clri/article/view/153.