The Curse of Silence

  • Bhavya Prabhakar French visiting lecturer, Lady Shri Ram College, DU


The Curse of Silence is a poem by Bhavya Prabhakar.


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Author Biography

Bhavya Prabhakar, French visiting lecturer, Lady Shri Ram College, DU

Bhavya Prabhakar is a visiting lecturer by profession. She teaches French language at K.R. Mangalam University and Delhi University. She has obtained a Master’s Degree in French Literature, which has provided her with many opportunities. She got a Charpak scholarship from the French Embassy to do one semester in France. She studied at the Paul-Valéry University of Montpellier, Master2 in Francophone Literature.

Her poems have been published in Indian Periodical, Spillwords Press (New York), Free Verse Revolution, The Writers and Readers’ Magazine, Muse India and Too Well Away Literary Journal. Additionally, her poems have also been featured in two anthologies.

How to Cite
Prabhakar, B. “The Curse of Silence”. Contemporary Literary Review India, Vol. 10, no. 4, Nov. 2023, pp. 167-9,