Contemporary Literary Review India | eISSN 2394-6075 | Vol 4, No 4: CLRI November 2017

Sandeep Kumar Mishra

Sip a Soul


What can I only see?

On the black cloudy shadow of infinity

A delusion blathers,

A delusion of very existence,

A delusion of futility of mankind,

The glare of heavenly screen

Imparts a persistent dementia,

In this state of insanity

Morality becomes void

Opposite forms swallow each other

I breathe pain

I breathe fear

I want to get that dark silence

Where all forms get vanished

Should I live to taste sins?

I don’t have the courage,

When I know

It tastes bitter

To sip a sweet soul


I Painted an Ocean

I painted an ocean

But forgot the shore

There were no ships

When I took a close look,

It was my isolation

Sailing like the sea waves;

I searched alone for centuries

To add the travelers

In my voyage,

Still, singular I stand

On this mortal deck;

Need an island to anchor

When I call on a radio

It becomes silent monologue outward,

The reply comes from the resounding inside;

With every tsunami from the bosom of the core

I feel like conulariid without pearls;

Although I have vastness of Dead Sea

But no light house of life fervor


First Monsoon

Immigrant pregnant clouds in this high time

Preparing to deliver aerial showers,

Huge watery vessels, like a developed baby

Too heavy to hold in atmospheric womb;

With lightening proclaiming over the vastness

Of the supply of life fluids,

Weary peasants restless eyes wait for

Their intimate Dark Relatives,

Timorous honeybees, humble sparrows at bowers,

Come; welcome the procession of yearly joy,

Come; acquire this treasure of wet stuff;

Silvery tip-tip deepens every available aide

Pure life distills from the lofty branch- let,

A pacy white perennial stream is on a raid,

Polished jade vegetation, rinsed pavement is wet;

Everything is tame now, even the wild get modest

The sweet scent of sand is tempting to taste,

I want to be wet party, some momento to keep;

Watery pearls blush their face in late Sun rays,

Feathered creatures in row, rainbow crescent sways,

Candour heart inhaling aromic worship,

The earth colorfully adorned like an Indian bride

In her first monsoon, commanding pride


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