Contemporary Literary Review India | eISSN 2394-6075 | Vol 4, No 2: CLRI May 2017
Neelam Dadhwal
Again the Sky
Today showered again the sky
I wondered if
soaking the streets I choose
to ignore.
Small leaves sprout
and crawl inside me,
branches spread out,
straws are collected
nests are created.
Lone pathway on feet
speck of air or earth so full,
and my own heart's silence
in this moment's time.

Neelam Dadhwal is a poet from Chandigarh, India. Her poems has been published in Readomania, Kritya, Muse India, Indian Poetry Review, Literary Yard, The Unknown Pen and anthologies on women international, peace and humanity. Her latest book, "Footprints" deals with aspects of womanhood.
As a haiku poet, she has been published in Contemporary Haibun Online, Atlas Poetica, Living Haiku Anthology, Haibun Online, World Haiku Association. Her work as a Shahai artist has been exhibited in two group exhibitions in Chandigarh and Panchkula in 2015.
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Contemporary Literary Review India: Contemporary Literary Review India (CLRI) is a literary journal in English and publishes a wide variety of creative pieces including poems, stories, research papers (literary criticism), book reviews, film reviews, essays, arts, and photography of the best quality of the time. CLRI is an internationally referred journal and publishes authors from around the world.
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