Contemporary Literary Review India | Print ISSN 2250-3366 | Online ISSN 2394-6075 | Impact Factor 8.1458 | Vol. 8, No. 2: CLRI May 2021
Ms. Reena Mahay
Two brutes
savagely stoned;
bled and bruised;
street arrested for —
Shoved in —
for a Bible oath
within the bounds of
a licit Church.
The Raven's gavel
'I love Man. I'm innocent.'
Blurted the other, brazenly unsolicited —
'And, this is Me,
simply a Sapien on a homo-loving spree!'
'In God’s faith,
bonded we stand to plead:
Let us, friends of Dorothy go
When will Man
break free —
to grow a heart
to love
let love,
In societal relationships:
to love
be loved,
one needs to
fit in
— be tamed —
in black and white
molded rusty frames!

Ms. Reena Mahay is an Educationist, qualified Social Worker, ELT Consultant, Poet and a Freelance Writer. She holds triple Bachelors in Arts, Law and Education; a Masters in Social Work; American TESOL; and CELTA from the University of Cambridge; with a plethora of other academic certifications to her credit. Her versatile and sensitive persona is best drawn towards the socio-cultural concerns and ‘ills facing Man’ in the current era, which oft become her muse to chart out her perspective from the voice of her pen.
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