Contemporary Literary Review India | Print ISSN 2250-3366 | Online ISSN 2394-6075 | Impact Factor 8.1458 | Vol. 7, No. 3: CLRI August 2020
Dr Anita Evelyn S
O my! What’s happening to the world around?
At the crack of dawn, as mine eyes struggle to open
I could hear the cuckoo ‘coo-coo’ and sounds of strange birds chirping,
Solemnly ‘am I reminded - they are back?
alive and praising after a goodnight’s sleep?
O my! What’s happened to the world around me?
Mine ears have failed to listen – at the dawn of day
Beautifully chirping birds beside mine window happy and gay
Endangered birds they seem to be – back in my garden as happy as can be…
Look above my head I see – a clear blue sky smiling at me
Never I’d wondered that would ever happen as in my days of glee…
A glance at the river filled with foam from dyeing colours – now
Clean to be used as drinking water…
I read the newspaper - no news of motor accidents,
I talk to my maid who tells me enthusiastically,
‘I’m blessed to live with my family happily’ – O how?
Your husband –a drunkard beats you, right? – I question puzzlingly…
O my! What’s happening to the world around?
Its then a silent whisper I hear telling me…
What could not be done by a human is definitely possible by the Divine!
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Dr S. Anita Evelyn, is an Associate Professor in the Department of English (Science & Humanities), at R.M.K. Engineering College, affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. She has co-authored a book titled ‘Vocabulary-Play & Practice’, published research papers in national and international journals and has also presented papers at several conferences. Her poems have been published in The Criterion – An International Journal in English, Taj Mahal Review, and The Journal of English Language & Literary Studies (TJELLS), ROOTS - an International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches and International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR). She has been bestowed with Bharat Vikas Award 2018 for her loyalty, diligence, and outstanding performance in the field of Dialects of English Language. She received this honour on the occasion of ‘National Seminar on Intellectuals’ Social Responsibility’ held on December 01, 2018 at Odisha. Shri. Panchanan Kanungo (Former Finance Minister, Govt. of Odisha) presented the award.
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Contemporary Literary Review India