Contemporary Literary Review India | Print ISSN 2250-3366 | Online ISSN 2394-6075 | Impact Factor 8.1458 | Vol. 7, No. 3: CLRI August 2020
Alessio Zanelli
The waters have risen,
smashed the shores,
lashed the slopes.
It was long due,
now it's come.
The earth ashake,
I'll pick up my pluck,
my soul enwrapped in it,
and through the raging gale
I'll trudge to the top of the hill,
to feel the touch of the elements.
There I'll stare the ocean in the face,
and listen to what the hell it's got to say.
The Wild Beast
Desperate, it springs at what is left of the evening.
Of unshed tears, the fangs; of untold fears, the claws,
the wild beast prowls, wounded, around the house.
Who speaks?
Who says these nasty things?
I don’t understand, I feel so bad.
Who are you?
But then, who am I?
And where am I?
I don’t know anything. Anymore.
Help me, please, I’m scared.
I’m scared!
It’s not fair that things end like this.
It’s not fair!
I hope I can see you again.
Will I see you again?
I am nothing. Anymore.
The wild beast lies in wait, ravenous, in the dark,
of buried decades, the eyes; of imminence, the roar.
Raging, it pounces on the fleeting glimmers of light.

Poet and editor, Alessio Zanelli, born in 1963 in Cremona, Italy, has long adopted English as his creative language. His work has been published widely in journals both at home and abroad. His previous collections include Loose Sheets (Upfront Publishing, 2002); Small Press Verse and Poeticonjectures (Xlibris Corporation, 2003); Straight Astray (Troubadour Publishing, 2005); 33 Poesie / 33 Poems (Montedit, 2011) and Over Misty Plains (Indigo Dreams Publishing, 2012). He is the former poetry editor of Private Photo Review, an international magazine of b/w photography and short writings, and the Italian Stanza Representative for The Poetry Society of London. In addition to poetry, his interests include painting, scenic photography and long-distance running.
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