Dr Bani Dayal Dhir

Why Die with a Smile?

My quest for eternal joy, my search for peace,

My dream of playing with sparkling pearls,

A voice inside me whispers - will it ever be realized?

Unfolding flowers in the dawn,

Their withering in twilight,

Rising sun of new life, setting sun of mortality,

Makes me vulnerable and ephemeral,

Questions torment; but my search continue.

One day I saw,

Childhood innocence playing in the cradle,

Smiling face, twinkling eyes with a divine spark,

Unaware of might, right and size,

Playing, humming, throwing his arms in the air,

Attempting to grab tinkling toys.

When his sonorous laughter echoed,

Musical notes in harmony played on their own.

Suddenly merry child started weeping, lisping,

Leaving all wise dumb and bemused at the twist in tale.

Amidst tears there was a sudden smile,

As if some remembrance had pulled his thoughts.

Why smile on lips with misty eyes?

What glorious form did he envision?

His eyes rolled hither-thither,

As if searched for Someone in the emptiness of crowd.

Stretched his arms as if wanting to hold Someone’s hand.

Can toys of the world ever please?

When he pines to be in his Father’s Lap again!

Oh! he wept not for them, but for Him!

Who wasn’t anywhere in our thoughts!

Alas! his ethereal language was mere lisp and scream for us!

When materiality hovers, where is space for words of silence?

Memories of his Father’s Love tormented him,

Tiny creature, Ah! locked in the splendid rented mansion,

Gasps for breath in the vast airy castle,

And yells for the key of liberation.

Begs his Father to lift him from the thorny cushioned cradle,

Longs to be in His Holy Arms

From whence he had come.

Tenets are never owners!

The journey as rented ‘owners’ leaves us ailing and aging!

Until we realize, blessed are those,

Who are forever in the Lap of True Father,

Where only unfathomable Love flows.

Blue serene sky arches above, clouds of fears vanish,

Death is no longer an affliction,

When it becomes the path of salvation,

When this realization dawns,

Man prays ‘true salvation is all I need,

I shall embark on my voyage with a smile to my ‘Own Home’.


Dr. Bani Dayal Dhir is an Assistant Professor at the Department of English Studies, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University) Agra, India. Recipient of the Institute’s prestigious Director’s medals in BA Hons. (English ), MA and M.Phil.(English) programmes, her primary research interests include Literary theory, Systems Theory and Consciousness studies. She was also honoured with National Young Systems Scientist award by Systems Society of India.

She has to her credit several research publications in international journals including International Journal of General Systems, Literary Paritantra (Systems): An International Journal on Literature and Theory, Paritantra: A Journal of Systems Society of India, Consciousness, Literature and Arts; Lincoln University UK. Her poems have also frequently find space in journals and magazines.


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