Poems by Andy McLean

I Am

You use me to remove

The stains from your clothes

And the sins from your soul.

To quench your thirst

And inspire you.

I move mountains as easily

As people move upon me.

I am holy water

I am Ma Ganga.

Yet, I suffer and

Am saddened.

Like a mother whose litter

Has drained her milk

Out of unbridled want

You have ravished me.

Infants do not know better.

You, my children do.

In my mind I am eternal.

In reality, I am endangered;

From my origins, flowing as

Briskly as the cheeta,

To later meanderings

Of a slow-paced rhinoceros

(Both beings now extinct)

I too am soon departed

If you do not heed my soft cry.

Open your minds,

Open your hearts.

Most importantly, act!

You must find a way.

I love you and will miss you.


George Was My Favourite Beatle

I’m not sure why

George was my favourite Beatle.

He seemed somewhat shy

And nice.  And talented.

He didn’t appear to put on airs.

(On the Abbey Road cover

He is wearing his Canadian Tuxedo.)

His spirituality felt unpretentious,

And he conveyed contentment with life.

Yes, that was it.

One thing, though

I never liked

His big fat guitar.



Andy McLean is an American psychiatrist and published poet of both traditional and medical poetry.



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