Contemporary Literary Review India | Print ISSN 2250-3366 | Online ISSN 2394-6075 | Impact Factor 8.1458 | Vol. 11, No. 2: CLRI May 2024

Suchismita Ghoshal

Flamboyance of Life


The long, luscious waves

Coming back and forth

Pushing the fragrance

Of a rejuvenating today.

Oblivious to the onlookers,

Ethereal charm to the lovers,

The waves tangle with each other

To throw a beguiling promise,

To whisper the words of universe,

To tell us to pause and inhale the essence

And the clairvoyance of their closure

Takes every single soul

To the world of perpetual supremacy.

White charm escaped from

The piquant source of mass of water

Picturizes the flamboyance of life.

Note: This picture was captured by Carl Scharwath to which Suchismita Ghoshal composed this poem.

About the author: Carl Scharwath, has appeared globally with 180+ journals selecting his writing or art. Carl has published three poetry books and the latest “Playground of Destiny,” features poetry, short stories and photography (Impspired Press.) Carl has four photography books, published by Praxis and CreatiVingenuity. His photography was also exhibited in The Mount Dora and Leesburg Centers for the Arts. Carl is currently a co-editor with ILA Magazine and was the art editor for Minute Magazine. He was nominated for two The Best of the Net Awards (2021-22). He is also a competitive runner, and a 2nd degree black- belt in Taekwondo.
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