Contemporary Literary Review India | Print ISSN 2250-3366 | Online ISSN 2394-6075 | Impact Factor 8.1458 | Vol. 11, No. 2: CLRI May 2024

Gita Janaki

The Dancer

Fix your toe on my heart ballerina,

and swirl to your heart's content.

You who feign ignorance, I know

you dance on the wings of fire.

Look beyond, see the lamps of love

burning jubilant, dancing in ecstasy.

Here I pull you to me, shy not away

and to me, you belong, to me only.

They say life is short my dear

Come let us dance, for the night is near.

And when we are done with and

rest on the wings of a storm my fairy,

I shall paint you with the colours of my life

my love and you shall be my palette!

I shall sing for you in the sweetest voice

and you the poem safe in my arms!


In Yellow

The woman with a yellow umbrella,

walking in the rain.

Drops of water shining from eyelids,

wet shoulders, and white feet.

She has been walking down the street

in my dreams forever.

I grew up with her,

holding onto her fingers, walking in the rain.

I grew up with her, shoulder length,

inhaling her fragrance and of the rains.

I grew up with her, walking in the rain,

arm in arm, in silence.

Today, I buried her beneath a tree of yellow flowers.

With each rain, she will get an umbrella

of yellow flowers and yellow leaves.

The rain flows down the street as a river.

I watch it from my window.

How much I loved her!



About the author: Gita Janaki is a poet, translator who writes in English and malayalam and does translations. She has translated short stories of eminent malayalam writers into English and has been published in the journal of Kerala Sahitya Academy. She has three books of poetry translations to her credit. She is a geologist by profession.
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