Contemporary Literary Review India | Print ISSN 2250-3366 | Online ISSN 2394-6075 | Impact Factor 8.1458 | Vol. 11, No. 1: CLRI February 2024

Shivangi Kumar

Worth it


Sounds like a wailing

To this sorrowful mind

Through the pain in my eyes

I still shine so bright

Like I am a candle

Lit in the dreary dungeons

Below the ornate manor

I am ray of light

For ones in shackles

Now, how long

How long can I burn?

Slowly melting away

I am far from them

Too far to see

My waning soul

Look Around!

Ask, ask

Is this dying flame

Worth it?

Their cries echo back

From my hollow heart

Look Around!

Ask, ask

Is this empty fame

Worth it?


About the author: Shivangi Kumar is a 16-year-old girl born and raised in the city of Ranchi in India. She studies in Delhi Public School, Ranchi. She is into baking, Geography and politics. She is also into public speaking, debating and Model united nations. She wishes to be a diplomat and work for her people and her country.
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